.. _iteration: .. figure:: logo.png :align: center http://www.bardolph.org ********************** Iteration Design Notes ********************** For a tutorial introcuction to loops in the language, please see the secion on "Repeat Loops" in :ref:`language` for more information. Design Overview =============== A loop has several parts: #. The repeat keyword. #. An optional condition which eventually terminates the loop. This can be: * A specific number of iterations. For example: .. code-block:: lightbulb repeat 10 * A logical expression with ``while``. For example: .. code-block:: lightbulb repeat while {x < 10} # Eventually x gets a number >= 10 and the loop terminates. If no condition is present, the loop theoretically will repeat forever, although in practice the VM will eventually be interrupted within the loop. #. An optional collection of devices or sets of devices, each of which is accessed through an index variable. That collection can be: * All the lights, with the current light's name in an index variable. For example, in this loop, the_light is a variable that contains the name of the current light in the iteration: .. code-block:: lightbulb repeat all as the_light # Variable "the_light" contains the name of a light * A specific list of lights. For example, if you have lights named "Desk Lamp", "Table", and "Reading Light" and want to turn them all on: .. code-block:: lightbulb repeat in "Desk Lamp" and "Table" and "Reading Light" as the_light on the_light * All the groups or locations, with the group or location's name in an index variable. For example: .. code-block:: lightbulb repeat group as the_group # Variable "the_group" contains the name of a group. repeat location as the_location # Variable "the_location" contains the name of a location. * All the lights belonging to a group. For example, if you have a group called "Ambient Lights": .. code-block:: lightbulb repeat in group "Ambient Lights" as the_light # Variable "the_light" contains the name of a light * All the lights within a location. For example, if you have a location called "Living Room": .. code-block:: lightbulb repeat in location "Living Room" as the_light # Variable "the_light" contains the name of a light. #. An optional ``with`` clause containing a range of numeric values that are interpolated across the iteration. This is useful if you want to evenly distribute a set of colors or brighnesses across multiple devices or zones. That range can be: * A range of integers, with an index variable that contains the current iteration's value. For example: .. code-block:: lightbulb repeat with n from 1 to 10 # Variable "n" contains 1, 2, 3, ..., 10 * Specific starting and ending values: .. code-block:: lightbulb repeat all as the_light with brt from 10 to 100 begin brightness brt set the_light end * A cyclic value, typically used for hue, that uses modulo arithmetic to keep a value between 0 and 360. This is useful for cycling through a range of colors while keeping brightness and saturation the same. For example: .. code-block:: lightbulb # infinite loop # repeat # Divide the color wheel into 10 hues, and give all the lights # each of those colors. # repeat 10 with the_hue cycle begin hue the_hue set all end Use Cases ========= This section contains some illustrative use cases that lead to the current design. Very Long Duration ------------------ Suppose you want all the lights to slowly rise from complete darkness to full intensity, and you want it to happen over the period of an hour. One way to accomplish this is with: .. code-block:: lightbulb brightness 0 set all duration {60 * 60} brightness 100 set all However, in practice, I wouldn't recommend sending an hour-long command to all the light bulbs. During that time, one or more lights may lose power, and others might get switched on. A more reliable method is to break it up, sending a command to the lights every 5 minutes: .. code-block:: lightbulb define five_minutes {5 * 60} define one_hour {60 * 60} time five_minutes duration five_minutes repeat {one_hour / five_minutes} with brt from 0 to 100 begin brightness brt set all end Notice that the values for `brt` are interpolated between the first and last values. Implementation Notes ==================== Although there are multiple types of loops, they all have roughly the same overall structure: #. Push a new context onto the stack and initialize as appropriate for the type of loop. #. Determine whether or not to continue iterating. If not, pop the stack and jump to the first instruction after the end of the loop code. #. Execute the user code inside the body of the loop. #. Update any active counter and/or index variables. #. Jump back to step 2. Simple Counted Loop ------------------- This kind of loop has a number of iterations. For example: .. code_block:: lightbulb repeat 5 println "Hello" This simply outputs 5 lines, each containing "Hello". The generated code puts the value 0 into the counter. At the top of the loop code, there is a check to see if the counter has exceeded the limit. If it has, the generated code jumps to the end of the loop. Othewise, it executes the body of the loop, increments the counter, and jumps back to the beginning of the loop. List-Based Loop --------------- This kind of loop has an ``in`` clause. For example: .. code_block:: lightbulb repeat in "table" and "window" and group "kitchen" as the_light begin print the_light end The parser generates code to place all of the lights onto the stack. In this example, the code needs to push all of the lights in group `kitchen`, then, "windo" and "table". The result is that the lights are on the stack in reverse order. While it pushes light names onto the stack, the generated code also maintains a counter. That counter contains the number of lights that are on the stack. After loading the stack with the light names, the generated code enters a loop where it will: #. Check the counter. If it is 0, then terminate the loop. #. Pop the name of the next light off of the stack and place it into the index variable. In the example above, the first light name to come off the stack would be "window". It is accessible through variable `the_light`. #. Execute the body of the loop. In the example, "window" would be sent to the log via the ``print`` command. #. Subtract 1 from the counter, and jump up to step 1 to possibly execute another iteration. For literals and variables such as "table" and "window", the name of the light can be pushed directly onto the stack. For groups and locations, however, the members of a group or location are not known at compile time. Therefore, the parser must generate code to locate all the members of a group or location, and push them onto the stack as well. Loop Frame ---------- A LoopFrame is a specialized StackFrame that is used with loops. Inside a loop, some variables go into scope, but none become hidden. Therefore, a LoopFrame inherits all of the variables contained in its parent frame. This is done by making a copy of the dictionary containing the parent frame's variables. When the loop frame exits, no variables go out of scope. The index variable remains in scope after the loop exits. At that point, it contains the value it had during the final iteration. As such, it exists as a local variable in the current CallContext. The index variable is handled by the generated code, with no specific VM support. The loop counter and its limit are not visible to the script code after they have been initialized. They are attributes of the top LoopFrame.