

Language Reference

This page describes the syntax and capabilities of Bardolph’s scripting language. For information on how to run a script, please see Command-Line Tools.

Internally, launching a script is a two-step process. First, a parser reads the source file and compiles it into a sequence of encoded instructions. Next, a simple virtual machine (VM) executes those instructions. A job-control facility maintains a queue, allowing execution of a sequence of compiled scripts.


A script is a plain-text file in which all whitespace is equivalent. You can format it with tabs or even put the entire script on a single line. Comments begin with the ‘#’ character and continue to the end of the line. All keywords are in lower-case text. By convention, script file names have the “.ls” extension, meaning “lightbulb script”.

Here’s an example, showing a comment:

# comment
hue 360 # red
saturation 100    # 100% saturation
brightness 60.0   # 60% brightness
kelvin 2700

set all

If you were to save this in a file called red.ls, you would then run it with:

lsrun red.ls

This script sets the colors of all known lights to a bright shade of red. Note that the set command is what actually causes the lights to adopt the new settings and change their colors. The all parameter causes the given settings to be applied to all of the lights found on the network.

A script sets the color and brightness of the lights, over a given interval, by specifying 5 numbers: hue, saturation, brightness, kelvin, and duration. During execution, the Bardolph virtual machine sends these settings to the lights. These global variables are referred to as registers.

The value you supply for hue is an angle expressed in in degrees, normally between 0 and 360. The values for saturation and brightness are treated as percentages, while kelvin is considered a temperature in °K. The value for duration is expressed in seconds, and tells the light how long to take to transition from its current state to the one you are now specifying. If you never supply a value for duration, it defaults to zero, and transitions occur instantaneously.

All of these numbers except hue must be positive, and may be floating-point values. Percentages above 100 are considered invalid. Angles for hue greater than or equal to 360 are normalized to a number less than 360 by modulo arithmetic.

One easy way to see what colors correspond to these numbers is to use the color wheel in the LIFX mobile app. In that app, you can see values for hue, saturation, and brightness in real time. If you wanted to reproduce a color, you could put the values displayed by the app into a script.


The term color is somewhat ambiguous. Intuitively, you may consider brightness (intensity) to be separate from a bulb’s color. However, for simplicity here, “color” always refers to both the tone of the light and its intensity. Therefore, in this documentation, “setting the color” of a light means that you are specifying the frequency as well as the brightness of the light that the device produces.

Throughout this documentation, color setting is defined as any of the parameters that control this so-called color. The available color settings are hue, saturation, brightness, and kelvin.

When a setting isn’t specified a second time, the VM uses the existing value. For example, the following reuses numbers for saturation, brightness, and kelvin:

hue 120 saturation 100 brightness 50 kelvin 2700 set all
hue 180 set all

This script will:

  1. Set all lights to HSBK of 120, 100, 50, 2700

  2. Set all lights to HSBK of 180, 100, 50, 2700

Any uninitialized values default to zero, or an empty string. This can lead to unwanted results, so each of the values should be set at least once before setting the color of any lights. Or, consider starting your script with get all (the get command is described below).


As described below, the language supports various features that make use of symbolic names. Examples of this are variables and macros. A valid name starts with either an underscore or alphabetic character. The rest of the name can contain letters, numbers, and underscores. For example:

  • x

  • _living_room

  • Bulb_80

Names are handled with case-sensitive logic.


Scripts can be much terser with shorthand color setting names which are capitalized: H (hue), S (saturation), B (brightness), and K (kelvin). The following two lines do the same thing:

hue 180 saturation 100 brightness 50 kelvin 2700 set all
H 180 S 100 B 50 K 2700 set all

Individual Lights

Scripts can control individual lights by name. For example, if you have a light named “Table”, you can set its color with:

hue 120 saturation 100 brightness 75 kelvin 2700
set "Table"

A light’s name is configured when you do initial setup with the LIFX software.

When they appear in a script, bulb names must be in quotation marks. They can contain spaces, but may not contain a linefeed. For example:

# Ok
on "Chair Side"

# Error
on "Chair

If a script contains a name for a light that has not been discovered or is otherwise unavailable, an error is sent to the log, but execution of the script continues.

Power Command

The commands to turn the lights on or off resemble the set command:

off all
on "Table"

This turns off all the lights, and turns on the one named “Table”.

The on and off commands have no effect on the color of the lights. When on executes, each light will have whatever its color was when it was turned off. If a light is already on or off, an otherwise redundant power operation will have no visible effect, although the VM does send the power command to the bulbs.

When applied to a multi-zone light, the entire device is powered on or off; you can’t set the power for individual zones (although you can set the brightness to zero).

Multi-Zone Lights

With multiple-zone lights, which are generally flexible strips of LED’s, the set command works the same, but you can limit which zones it affects. It can set all of them to the same color, set the color of a single zone, or set it for a range of them. For example, at home I have a Z LED strip, which I named “Strip”. I can set the entire device to one color with:

hue 150 saturation 100 brightness 50 kelvin 2700 duration 1.5
set "Strip"

To set only one zone, add a zone clause with a single number:

set "Strip" zone 5

To set multiple zones, specify a range with starting and ending zone numbers:

set "Strip" zone 0 8

Note that the zone numbers start with zero. If you try use a zone on a light that doesn’t have that capability, an error will be sent to the log, and the light will not be accessed. Unlike Python ranges, the numbers are inclusive. For example, zone 1 3 would include zones 1, 2, and 3.

Candle Bulbs

This section covers the use of Bardolph to control LIFX “Candle” lights. Note that it applies only to candle lights that are “Polychrome” and capable of changing color. Scripts for “White to Warm” candle lights are basically the same as those for any other bulb model.

This is an experimental feature, but it does seem to work. It has been tested with the Candle E12 bulb. When I have a chance to get some of the other “Polychrome” lights, such as the so-called “Tube E26”, I’ll try to test and fix the implementation for those, as well.

The underlying API for these devices is covered in the LIFX documentaion. The bulb is divided vertically into 6 rows. Going around the axis of the bulb, there are 5 columns. Note that row 5, which is at the tip of the bulb, has only 2 LED’S, which occupy columns 0 and 1. You can still assign values to the other cells in that row; they are simply ignored.

The diagram below illustrates how the areas of the bulb are addressed:


Candle Bulb Layout

Values for row must be between 0 and 5, and column must be between 0 and 4.. The columns wrap around the bulb, but aside from running a script, there’s no obvious way to know where the LED’s centered on column 0 are positioned.


Given the physical construction of these bulbs, it may be difficult to pick out individual cells. As far as I can tell, because the LED array is contained in a white, cone-shaped diffuser, the light from the various LED’s tends to get blended, which I believe is intentional.

In order to set a candle bulb’s color you need to:

  1. Set the default color.

  2. Set the colors for the desired parts of the bulb.

If you don’t set the defult, then hue, saturation, brightness, and kelvin will all be zero.

For example:

hue 220 saturation 75 brightness 15 kelvin 2700
set default

hue 100 brightness 75
set "Candle" row 1 column 3

This code will set the entire bulb’s hue to 220, with the exception of the cell at row 1, column 3. Note the large difference in brightness, which will makew it easier to distinguish the individual cell if you try this code.

When two numbers are given, they are assumed to be a range, which is inclusive. For example, row 2 4 specifies rows 2, 3, and 4.

Whenever the ending value is not supplied, it is given the starting value. For example:

set "Candle" row 1 1

# Equivalent:
set "Candle" row 1

If you supply only column or only row, the full range (0 through 5 for row, 0 through 4 for column) of the unspecified parameter is assumed:

set "Candle" row 1 2
set "Candle" column 1 3

# Equivalent:
set "Candle" row 1 2 column 0 4
set "Candle" row 0 5 column 1 3

Although the examples so far have row before column, that order is not required:

set "Candle" row 1 2 column 3 4

# Equivalent:
set "Candle" column 3 4 row 1 2

Full Syntax for Candle Bulbs

In the examples so far, each set contains a single command. This is limiting because you can set only one area of the bulb’s body section. A more powerful syntax uses begin and end to contain a collection of settings that are sent as a unit that updates the entire bulb. For example, to set a few different areas of the bulb:

hue 240 saturation 75 brightness 25 kelvin 2200
set default

set "Candle" begin
    hue 320
    stage row 1 2 column 1 2

    hue 300
    stage row 3
    stage row 4

The stage keyword is used here because no communication with the bulb occurs within the begin - end block. Instead, an internal data structure gets built as stage commands are executed.

When end is reached, the virtual machine sends the entire result to the bulb as a block of data. Any cell that has not been accessed in the begin / end clause receives the default. This means that every cell in the entire bulb receives a new setting. This behavior is guided by the underlying LIFX API supported by multi-colored bulbs.

As with the shorter syntax, both row and column are optional. Here are some examples:

# Set the entire bulb to the same color.
hue 180
set "Candle"

# Prepare for subsequent changbes by setting the default.
hue 120 saturation 75 brightness 75 kelvin 2700
set default

# Set column 3 in all rows to the same color. The rest of the bulb gets
# the default.
hue 190
set "Candle" begin
    stage column 3

# Set a single element of the bulb.
set "Candle" begin
    hue 200
    stage row 2 column 3

# Set a square area and the tip
hue 210
set "Candle" begin
    stage row 1 2 column 3 4

    # tip
    stage row 5

As another example, here is a script that gives the bulb a gradient of colors. In this example, it is not necessary to set the default, because all of the cells get staged:

saturation 100 brightness 50 kelvin 2500

set "Candle" begin
    hue 120
    stage row 0
    hue 150
    stage row 1
    hue 180
    stage row 2
    hue 210
    stage row 3
    hue 240
    stage row 4
    hue 270
    stage row 5

Of course, this can be accomplished with more succinct code:

saturation 100 brightness 50 kelvin 2500

hue 120
set "Candle" begin
    repeat with row_num from 0 to 5 begin
        stage row row_num
        hue {hue + 30}

Timing Color Changes

Scripts can contain time delays and durations, both of which are are expressed in seconds. A time value designates the amount of time to wait before transmitting the next command to the lights. The duration value is passed through to the bulbs, and its interpretation is defined by the LIFX API. Basically, by setting duration, you determine how long it should take the bulb to transition to its new state. For example:

off all time 5 duration 1.5 on all off "Table"

This will:

  1. Immediately turn off all lights instantaneously.

  2. Wait 5 seconds.

  3. Turn on all the lights, but ramp up the brightness over a period of 1.5 seconds.

  4. Wait 5 seconds again.

  5. Dim down the light named “Table” over a period of 1.5 seconds until it is off.

The underlying API has a precision down to milliseconds. For example, all digits are significant in a time parameter of 1.234. However, in practice, the host computer or underlying threading support built into the Python runtime may not be able to keep up. For that reason, I recommend that you do not try to use a time or duration that is less than 0.1 seconds.

As mentioned above, the existing values for time and duration are re-used with each command. In this example, time is set only once, but there will be the same delay between every action.

Multiple Lights Using and

If you want to set multiple lights at the same time, you can chain them using and

# Uses "and": both go on at the same time after 2 seconds.
time 2 on "Table" and "Chair Side"

This script will:

  1. Wait 2 seconds.

  2. Turn both lights on simultaneously.

This contrasts with:

# Does not use "and": 2-second delay before the second light is turned on.
time 2
on "Table"
on "Lamp"

This script will:

  1. Wait 2 seconds.

  2. Turn on the light named “Table”.

  3. Wait 2 seconds.

  4. Turn on the light named “Lamp”.

The and keyword works with set, on, and off.

If a script specifies zones, the and comes after the zone numbers. This can be convenient for coordinating a multi-zone light with single-zone bulbs. For example, with a multi-zone light named “Strip” and a bulb named “Table”

hue 120 saturation 75 brightness 75 kelvin 2700 duration 1.5
set "Strip" zone 0 5 and "Table"

Here’s an example of simultaneously setting multiple zones on the same light at the same time:

set "Strip" zone 2 and "Strip" zone 13 15

How Time Is Measured

It’s important to note that delay time calculations are based on when the script started. The delay is not calculated based on the completion time of the previous instruction.

For example:

time 2
on all
# Do a lot of slow stuff.
off all

The “off” instruction will be executed 2 seconds from the time that the script was started, and the “off” instruction 4 seconds from that start time.

If part of a script takes a long time to execute, the wait time may elapse before the virtual machine is ready for the next instruction. In this case, that instruction gets executed without any timer delay. If delay times are too short for the program to keep up, it will simply keep executing instructions as fast as it can.

Wait for Time of Day

Instead of waiting for a delay to elapse, you can specify the specific time that an action occurs, using the at modifier with the time command. For example, to turn on all the lights at 8:00 a.m.:

time at 8:00 on all

All times are specified using a 24-hour clock, with midnight at 0:00. In this documentation, the parameter supplied in the script is called a time pattern.

A time pattern can contain wildcards to match more than one possible time. For example, to turn on the lights on the hour and turn them off on the half-hour

time at *:00 on all time at *:30 off all

A time pattern can have placeholders for one or two digits with an asterisk. Here are some examples of valid patterns:

  • 2*:00 - matches 21:00, 22:00, and 23:00.

  • 1:*5 - matches 1:05, 1:15, 1:25, 1:35, 1:45 and 1:55.

  • *:30 - matches on the half-hour.

These are not valid patterns:

  • * or *:* - matches anything and is therefore meaningless.

  • 12:8* - not a valid time.

  • **:08 - only one asterisk is necessary.

  • 12:5 - minutes need to be expressed as two digits.

Note that the language is procedural, not declarative. This means that the script is executed from top to bottom. For example, assume you run this script at 8:00 a.m.:

time at 10:00 on all
time at 9:00 off all

This will turn on all the lights at 10:00 a.m., wait 23 hours, and turn them off again the next day.

You can combine patterns to create more complicated behavior. For example, this will turn on the lights the next time it’s either 15 or 45 minutes past the hour:

time at *:15 or *:45 on all

After a scheduled wait, the delay timer is essentially reset. For example:

time at 12:00 on all
time 60 off all

This would turn on all the lights at noon and then turm them off 60 seconds later, which would be at 12:01 p.m.

Pause for Keypress

Instead of using timed delays, a script can wait for a key to be pressed. For example, to simulate a manual traffic light

saturation 100 brightness 80
hue 120 set all
pause hue 50 set all
pause hue 360 set all

This script will:

  1. Set all the lights to green (hue 120).

  2. Wait for the user to press a key.

  3. Set all the lights to yellow (50).

  4. Wait for a keypress.

  5. Turn the lights red (360).

A script can contain both pauses and timed delays. After a pause, the delay timer is reset. For example:

time at 12:00 on all
pause off all
time 10 on all

This script turns on all the lights at 12:00 noon. It then waits for the user to press a key at the keyboard. When a key has been pressed, it turns off all the lights, waits 10 s, and turns them on again.

Wait With No Action

To wait for the next time interval without doing anything:


This can be useful to keep a script active until the last command has been executed. For example:

time 0 hue 120 saturation 90 brightness 50 kelvin 2700
duration 200 set all
time 200 wait

In this example, the set command will take 200 seconds to fully take effect. The script adds a 200-second wait to keep it from exiting before that slow set completes. If a script is waiting in the queue, this prevents that next script from starting before the 200-second duration has elapsed.

Groups and Locations

The set, on, and off commands can be applied to groups and locations. For example, if you have a location called “Living Room”, you can turn them on and set them all to the same color with:

on location "Living Room"
hue 120 saturation 80 brightness 75 kelvin 2700
set location "Living Room"

Continuing the same example, you can also set the color of all the lights in the “Reading Lights” group with:

set group "Reading Lights"

You can combine lights, groups, and locations with the and keyword:

set location "Living Room" and "Table" and group "Reading Lights"

Macro Definitions

A macro can be defined to hold a commonly-used name or number:

define blue 240 define deep 100 define dim 20
define gradual 4
define ceiling "Ceiling Light in the Living Room"
hue blue saturation deep brightness dim duration gradual
set ceiling

A macro can be used for a light name or a value to be used to set a parameter. It can also be used as a zone number with multi-zone lights:

define my_light "Chair Side"
hue 120 saturation 80 brightness 50 kelvin 2700
set my_light

define zone_1 5 define zone_2 10
set "Strip" zone zone_1 zone_2

Macros may refer to other existing macros:

define blue 240
define b blue

A macro can be defined only once, which makes it suitable for constants:

define blue 240
define blue 260 # Error: already defined.


A variable is somewhat similar to a macro, in that it can hold a value. However, a variable’s contents can be replaced with a new value at run-time. In addition, the current value for a color setting can be copied into a variable. The syntax is:

assign variable value

A variable can contain a number, a string, or a time pattern. Once it has been initialized, it can be used as a name or a value for a color or time setting. For example:

assign the_light "Chair"
on the_light

assign the_room "Living Room"
off group the_room

assign dinner_time 17:00
time at dinner_time on "Table"

An existing variable can be assigned to another. A variable can also get a copy of a color setting. For example:

assign x 120
assign y x     # y now contains 120
hue 240
assign y hue   # y now contains 240

Assignment of one variable to another has by-value semantics:

assign x 120
assign y x
assign x 240    # y still contains 120
hue y           # Sets hue to 120.

In this example, y has an independent copy of the original value of x, even after x has been given a new value.

Mathematical and Logical Expressions

An expression can be used wherever a number or truth value is needed. The syntax for an expression is to contain it in curly braces. For example, to put 5 + 4 into x:

assign x {5 + 4}

Logical expressions also are contained in curly braces:

if {x > 5} off all

The following operators are available:

  • + addition

  • - subtraction or negative

  • * multiplication

  • / division

  • % modulo

  • ^ power of

  • <, <= less than, less than or equal to

  • >, >= greater than, greater than or equal to

  • == equals

  • != not equal to

The or and and keywords can be combined with comparison operations. Some examples of expressions:

assign a {45 * -3)
assign b { (4 + 5) / 3 }
assign h { a^2 + b^2 }

if {a > 0 and b != 4 or h < 5} on all

Note that * and / have a higher precedence than + and -. The and operator has a higher precedence than or.

assign a {3 + 4 * 5}    # a = 23
assign b {(3 + 4) * 5}  # b = 35

if {5 > 1 or 10 < 100 and 20 == 30 }   # true
    on all

if {(5 > 1 or 10 < 100) and 20 == 30 } # false
    off all

Numerical values in a logical context are coerced to booleans, where 0 is false, and any other value is true.

Registers can provide values:

assign double_brt {brightness * 2}
brightness double_brt
brightness {double_brt / (2 + 10)}

assign double_brt {double_brt - 10}

However, registers (hue, saturation, brightness, kelvin, time and duration) can not be used as values for zone, row, or column.

# None of this will work, because hue and brightness are registers.

set "Candle" row hue
set "Strip" zone brightness

Routine Definitions

A subprogram, hereafter called a routine, can be defined as a sequence of commands. Here’s a simple exmple of a routine being defined and called:

define shut_off_all off all

A routine can have one or more parameters if the name is followed by the with keyword:

define set_mz with mz_light mz_zone
  set mz_light zone mz_zone

set_mz "Strip" 7

For code readability, you can contain a routine call in square braces. These two lines of code are equivalent:

set_mz "Strip" 7
[set_mz "Strip" 7]

If a routine contains multiple commands, they need to be contained in begin and end keywords:

define living_room_off begin
  duration 1.5
  off group "Living Room"

define off_3_seconds with the_light begin
  duration 3
  off the_light

# Another example of putting routine calls in optional brackets.
[off_3_seconds "Chair"]

A routine may not be re-defined. Routine definitions may not be nested:

define a_routine set "Chair"
define a_routine set "Table"  # Error: already defined.

define outer begin
    # Error: nested definition not allowed.
    define inner on all

Variables defined inside a routine are local and go out of scope when the routine returns. Because parameters are passed by value, assignment to a parameter overwrites the local copy but does not affect any variable outside of the routine:

define do_brightness with x begin
    assign x 50    # Overwrite the parameter
    brightness x   # Set brightness to 50.

assign y 100
do_brightness y    # Call do_brightness with 100
saturation y       # Set saturation to 100

saturation x       # Error: x no longer exists

Variables assigned outside of a routine are considered global and are visible in all scopes:

assign y 100

define set_global begin
  assign y 50

saturation y   # Set saturation to 50.

However, if a parameter has the same name as a global variable, the outer instance becomes hidden and is inaccessible in the entire body of the routine:

assign z 100

define set_hue_plus with z begin
    # Global variable z is invisible here.
    assign z {z + 10}
    hue z

# Sets hue to 35
set_hue_plus 25

# Global variable z still contains 100; sets saturation to 100
saturation z

Return Values

A routine can return a value and exit, becoming what is often referred to as a function. This is done with the return keyword. A routine can return either a string or a number.

For example:

define increment with x begin
    return {x + 1}

Any return value that is a mathematical expression must be contained in curly braces.

To invoke and use a function, use square brackets. For example:

define average a b begin
    return {(a + b) / 2}

print [average 100 200]

A routine can call another and pass along incoming parameters. The called routine must already be defined; there currently is no support for forward declarations. As noted above, the parameters are passed by value:

define light_brightness with light_name begin
    get light_name
    return brightness

define half_bright with brt light_name begin
    brightness {brt / 2}
    set light_name
    return brightness

printf "Set brightness to {:.2f}\n."
    [half_bright [light_brightness "Lamp"] "Top"]


A conditional consists of the if keyword, followed by an expression and one or more commands. It can also have one or more else clauses:

if {x < 5} off all

get "Top"
if {hue < 100} begin
  hue 100
  set "Top"

if {x >= 5} begin
   on all
   hue 120 set all
end else begin
   off all

if {x >= 5} begin
   on all
   hue 120 set all
end else if {x < 0}
   off all
else begin
   saturation 25

Repeat Loops

An infinitely repeating loop looks like:

    on all
    off all

Thoretically, this loop will run forever. However, the job control for the VM is designed to support graceful cutoff of a script’s execution. For ambient interior lighting, this is expected to be a common use case.

Use repeat while for a loop based on a logical condition:

repeat while {brightness < 50}
      brightness {brightness + 0.1}
      set all

To repeat a loop a given number of times:

repeat 10 begin
  on all
  off all

To repeat a loop a given number of times using the counter:

repeat with brt from 1 to 100 begin
    brightness brt
    set all

This code will execute the loop 100 times.

Interpolation in Loops

Interpolation of values in a loop allows you to choose the start and end points for a setting and the number of steps to take in between. For example, to give a light a hue of 120, and then gradually transition it to 180 in 5 steps:

repeat 5 with the_hue from 120 to 180
    hue the_hue
    set all

In this example, the_hue will have values of 120, 135, 150, 165, and 180.

A special use case is to cycle the hue 360° over multiple iterations, perhaps in an infinite loop. The cycle keyword causes a value to loop around with modulo 360 logic, stopping one step short of a complete cycle. By starting at zero again, the iteration continues smoothly.

  repeat 4 with the_hue cycle
      hue the_hue
      set all

The inner loop gets executed 4 times, with the_hue having values of 0, 90, 180, and 270, the difference being 90°. The next time the loop executes, it starts again at 0, which is equivalent to 360°. This effectively picks up where the previous loop left off.

You can also specify the starting point:

repeat 4 with the_hue cycle 45
# etc.

In this case, the_hue will have values of 45, 135, 225, and 315.

An arithmetic expression can take the place of any numeric value in a repeat loop. You designate such an expression by enclosing it in curly braces. For example:

assign x 7
repeat {5 + x} with y from {x * 4} to {x * 6}

# Equivalent to:
repeat 12 with y from 28 to 42

Note that the loop limit is calculated only once. In the following example, the loop is executed 5 times, even though light_count is modified in the body of the loop.

assign light_count 5
repeat light_count begin
    # Doesn't affect the number of iterations.
    assign light_count 0

If you want to control the number of iterations dynamically, you can use a repeat while construct.

By Light

To iterate individually over all the lights:

# Turn on all the lights, one-by-one
repeat all as the_light
    on the_light

In this example, the_light is a variable that is initialized to the name of the next light before the body of the loop is executed.

A range of values can be applied to the lights. For example:

repeat all as bulb with brt from 10 to 30
    brightness brt
    set bulb

In this case, the number of lights available determines what increment should be added to the index variable, brt. This allows you to distribute a set of values across some lights without knowing how many there are.

For example, if you have 3 lights, the above loop will be executed 3 times, with brt having values of 10, 20, and 30. If you have 5 lights, you get 5 iterations, with brt having values of 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30.

All groups or locations can be enumerated:

repeat group as the_group with the_hue from 120 to 180 begin
    hue the_hue
    set group the_group

To iterate over all the lights in a location or group:

repeat in location "Inside" as the_light
    on the_light

repeat in group "Background" as the_light with sat from 70 to 100
    saturation sat
    set the_light

Individual lights can be part of a list:

    in "Top" and "Middle" and "Table" as the_light
    with sat from 80 to 100
    get the_light
    saturation sat
    set the_light

They can also be mixed with the members of groups and locations:

    in "Table" and location "Living Room"
    as the_light
    with brt from 10 to 80
    brightness brt
    set the_light

Here’s an example of a nested loop executed for every known group:

repeat group as grp with brt from 40 to 80 begin
    repeat in group grp as light with c_hue cycle begin
        hue c_hue
        set light

This loop assigns a different brightness to each group, ranging between 40% and 80%. Within each group, every light gets the same brightness, but their hues are distributed evenly across a 360° range.

Breaking Out of a Loop

You can use a break command to terminate a loop before its normal end condition is met. The innermost loop is halted, but any outer loop continues to execute:

repeat 10 with the_hue from 10 to 360 begin
    repeat all as bulb begin
        get bulb
        if {brigtness > 50}
        brightness {brightness + 10}
        set bulb

    # Execution continues here after the break interrupts the nested loop.
    hue the_hue
    set all

A break command outside of a loop is an error that will halt the compilation of a script.

Retrieving Current Color

The get command retrieves the current settings from a single light:

get "Table"
set all

This script retrieves the values of hue, saturation, brightness, and kelvin from the bulb named “Table Lamp”. It then sets all the other lights to the retrieved color. This has the effect of setting the color of all the lights to match “Table”.

This command works only for lights that have a single color. Its behavior for candle and strip lights is undefined.

A useful pattern for this command is to get a light’s current values, modify one of them, and then update the light. This allows you to effectively change only one setting:

get light
brightness 100
set light

In this example, the light goes to full intensity withou changing colors.

From a multi-zone light, you can retrieve the color of a single zone or the entire device:

get "Strip" zone 5
get "Strip"

Note that you cannot get values for locations, groups, multiple zones, or multiple lights:

# Errors
get "Table Lamp" and "Chair Side"
get all

# Errors
get location "Living Room"
get group "Reading Lights"

# Error
get "Strip" zone 5 6

Raw, Logical, and RGB Units

For me, the HSB coordinate system isn’t especially intuitive. For example, if I want bright green lights, I’ll have to look up an angle for the hue, or maybe memorize which angle corresponds to which percieved color. The RGB color space can make this much easier, because I know what red, green and blue look like.

Using RGB

By specifing certain values for red, green, and blue, you can probably make a pretty good prediction of how a color will look. Most people know that a mix of red and green yields yellow, green plus blue gives you cyan, and red with blue produces purple.

With RGB units, each component’s intensity is expressed as a percentage, which can be given as a floating-point number. For example, to make all your lights a somewhat dim purple, you could have:

units rgb
red 50 green 0 blue 50
set all

As another example, to have white light that is rather bright:

units rgb
define brt 80
red brt green brt blue brt

Internally, the VM converts these values to their HSB equivalents before sending them to the lights.

Note that the setting for kelvin works the same for RGB units as it does for the default logical units. In practiced, I’ve found that it’s easy to just set kelvin to 2700 at the top of the script and not bother with it after that.

Using Raw Units

In the case of logical or RGB units, numerical values in scripts are given in units that are intended to be convenient to humans. However, during communication with the lights, those numbers are mapped to unsigned, 16-bit integer values as specified by the LIFX API.

If you prefer to send unmodified numbers to the lights as specified by that API, you can use raw values (and switch back to logical units as desired). “Raw” refers to an integer between 0 and 65535 that gets transmitted unmodified to the lights. These two actions are equivalent:

units raw
time 10000 duration 2500
hue 30000 saturation 65535 brightness 32767 kelvin 2700 set all

units logical
time 10 duration 2.5
hue 165 saturation 100 brightness 50 kelvin 2700 set all

Note that with raw units, time and duration are rounded to an integer number of milliseconds. With logical or RGB units, time and duration are treated as a floating-point number of seconds.

There’s no limit to the precision of the floating-point value, but because it will be converted to milliseconds, any digits more than 3 places to the right of the decimal point will be insignificant. For example, durations of 2 and 1.9999 are equivalent, while 3 and 2.999 will differ by one millisecond. However, in practice, none of the timing is precise or accurate enough for you to see any difference in behavior for these examples. In my experience, you can’t expect precision much better than 1/10 of a second.

Switching Unit Modes

In general, you’ll probably just pick a mode at the top of your script and not change it. However, if a script does switch modes, some values get re-calculated to preserve the effect on the lights. For example, hue containing 180 in logical units is converted to 32,767 in raw units.

Which settings get changed depends on what kind of transition takes place. For example, when switching from RGB to logical units, there’s no need to convert time or duration. However, hue, saturation, and brightness are initialized, based on the current values of red, green, and blue.

The following table lists which settings are overwritten, and which ones are unaltered, based on what kind of switch occurs:

Changed When Switching Units Mode



time, dur.



















None of the changes in unit mode affect the contents of kelvin. That value is always considered to be a temperature measured in °K, and never requires conversion.


While in RGB mode, you can still set the values of hue, saturation, or brightness. However, this will have no practical effect; when you set the color of a light, the VM will ignore them. The transition from RGB to logical or raw mode overwrites the contents of hue, saturation, and brightness. Conversely, you can set red, green, or blue, but they are unused if the VM is not in RGB mode. Similarly, switching to RGB from logical or raw mode overwrites anything previously stored in those three settings.

Following is an example that illustrates some of this behavior:

units logical
kelvin 2500
time 1.5 duration 1.5
hue 120 saturation 100 brightness 100

units rgb
# red, green, and blue are overwritten:
#   kelvin = 2500
#   time = 1.5
#   duration = 1.5
#   red = 0
#   green = 100
#   blue = 0
#   hue = 120
#   saturation = 100
#   brightness = 100

time 2.5 duration 3.5
red 0 green 0 blue 100
hue 0 saturation 0 brightness 0
units raw
# time, duration, hue, saturation, brightness are overwritten:
#   time = 2500
#   duration = 3500
#   red = 0
#   green = 0
#   blue = 100
#   hue = 43690
#   saturation = 65535
#   brightness = 65535
#   kelvin = 2500

Outputting Text

Three commands, print, println, and printf, send output to stdout. They all call Python’s own print function, which under most conditions sends text to stdout, typically the user’s terminal emulator.

Because this is not a general-purpose language, the support for text output is a fairly rudimentary implementation. It pretty much passses data along to the underlying Python print function, aided by the string.format method.

You can print any of the settings, such as hue or brightness, as well as variables and constants.

The print and println commands take a single parameter, which is evaluated and sent to stdout. The print command appends a space to its output, while println and printf each append a line feed.

For example to output some settings:

hue 120 saturation 50 brightness 75 kelvin 2000
println "-----"
print hue
print saturation
print brightness
println kelvin
println "-----"

This would generate the output:

120 50 75 2000

Formatted Output

For any kind of non-trivial output, you’ll probably want to use printf, which is a pass-through to Python’s string.format() function.

The printf command has the syntax:

printf <format> param
printf <format> param, param, ...

For example, to output the settings:

hue 120 saturation 50 brightness 75 kelvin 2000
printf "{} {} {} {}" hue saturation brightness kelvin

Note that the field placeholders, in the form of {} correspond to the parameters.

Because the compiler relies on the format string to determine the number of parameters, it must be either a literal or a macro.

define fmt "{}"
printf fmt hue
printf "{}" hue

assign fmt2 "{}"
printf fmt2 hue   # ERROR. Must be a literal or a macro.

It’s possible to use named fields, which can give you cleaner code:

printf "{hue} {saturation} {brightness} {kelvin}"

Named fields can be mixed with anonymous ones:

printf "{hue} {saturation} {brightness} {}" kelvin

The output can contain variables and expressions:

assign x 100
assign y 200
printf "{x} {} {}" y {(x + y) / 2}

This would produce the following output:

100 200 150

The output can also contain light names. Here’s an example that iterates over all of the lights, and outputs the settings for each one:

repeat all as light begin
    get the_light
    printf "Light: {the_light} {hue} {saturation} {brightness} {kelvin}"

The formatting capabilities impelemented by the Python language are rather extensive and complicated. For more information on how this formatting works, I recommend that you consult the Python documentation: https://docs.python.org/3/library/string.html#formatspec

In terms of data types, note that hue, saturation, brightness, and kelvin are floating-point numbers in logical and RGB modes. In raw mode, these values are integers. Here’s an example where the light settings are displayed, first in raw units, and then in RGB units:

define header_fmt "{:<9}{:>9}{:>9}{:>9}{:>9}"

units raw
println "----- Raw -----"
printf header_fmt "Name" "Hue" "Sat" "Brt" "Kelvin"
repeat all as light begin
    get light
    printf "{light:<9}{hue:>9d}{saturation:>9d}{brightness:>9d}{kelvin:>9d}"

units rgb
println ""
println "----- RGB -----"
printf header_fmt "Name" "Red" "Green" "Blue" "Kelvin"
repeat all as light begin
    get light
    printf "{light:<9}{red:>9.2f}{green:>9.2f}{blue:>9.2f}{kelvin:>9.2f}"

Notice that the upper printf uses a format of :>9d, which outputs number as decimal integers, right-justified in a field 9 characters long. The RGB numbers are output with 2 decimal points.

When I ran this script on my own lights one evening, I got this output:

----- Raw -----
Name           Hue      Sat      Brt   Kelvin
Bottom       42597    65535    20001     2400
Middle       38957        0    40259     2700
Top          35316    65535    56432     2700

----- RGB -----
Name           Red    Green     Blue   Kelvin
Bottom        0.00     3.05    30.52  2400.00
Middle       61.43    61.43    61.43  2700.00
Top           0.00    66.02    86.11  2700.00

Examples with printf

This code illustrates equivalent behavior using different parameters:

printf "{hue} {saturation} {brightness}"
printf "{} {} {}" hue saturation brightness
printf "{hue} {} {}" saturation brightness
printf "{2} {1} {0}" brightness saturation hue

All of these lines produce the same output. Note that the bottom line in the code uses positional fields, which are a feature of the underlying Python implementation.

Because of the data types of the settings, use of any integer type specifier requires raw mode:

units raw
printf "{:d}" hue   # Ok because hue is an integer in raw mode
printf "{:f}" hue   # Ok because an integer can be converted to float

units logical
printf "{:d}" hue   # ERROR: hue is a floating-point number

Note that light names are Python strings:

println "Furniture group:"
repeat in group "Furniture" as light
    printf "{light:>10s}"

println "Pole group:"
repeat in group "Pole" as light
    printf "{light:>10}"